Goodbye Letter to Addiction: Template & Example

13 Oct Goodbye Letter to Addiction: Template & Example

dear addiction letter

I remember bringing you home from the hospital for the first time. I couldn’t believe that I was finally a mother. I just kept looking over at your chubby cheeks and pinching myself so I’d know it was real. As such, it’s not always easy to see how drug-seeking behavior can affect others.

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In the meantime, I’m arranging Dad’s celebration of life (no one else stepped up), and picking Mom up at the ER after she’s done an Ambien-inspired walkabout from the home. Despite the rigors of this chapter—in addition to my grief over losing my 87-year-old dad—I’ve found it healing to honor the requests he laid out. His primary goal was to take good care of my 84-year-old mom, to whom he was married for 64 years, and to whom I’ve never been close. I’m her middle child and oldest daughter, and she’s told me several times throughout my life that Dad preferred me to her. My older brother and dad never got along.

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No matter how hard I try, I just don’t feel good enough anymore. While you were gone, I studied hard and worked to maintain straight-As. I never got in trouble and I made sure to take care of mom and Jon while you were gone.

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Even though it is deeply personal, I will include what I wrote in my goodbye letter, and give some insight into how you can approach your own goodbye letter. It sounds like a weird thing to complain about, but you never know where your mind will go when you are newly sober. By the time I achieved recovery at Icarus in the ‘Burque, I had engaged in drug abuse my entire life. Substance abuse was a part of who I was. In each program and at every level of care, you will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with a team of skilled and compassionate treatment professionals. These dedicated caregivers will take the time to get to know you as a unique individual.

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I had a lot of fun, but that fun slowly turned into my worst nightmare. You caused an immense amount of harm to my mind and my body. Even though it makes all the sense in dear addiction letter the world, saying goodbye to drugs is difficult no matter what. Moving forward can be tricky, but you will be a better person once you say goodbye to your addiction.

dear addiction letter

Approaches for Reclaiming Your Personal and Professional Life with a Letter Like No Other

The other people I was with were bothered by that, and they began to avoid me because they didn’t like you — and they no longer liked the “me” I had become. This is my dear addiction letter, a testament to the isolation and pain you caused. Is “ecstasy” really the best we can do for the defenders of our safety and freedom? The drug (known as ecstasy) was the first to reach this regulatory milestone of what has been called the psychedelic movement.

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dear addiction letter

My Goodbye Letter to Drug Addiction

  • My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace.
  • The first page contains a ready-made sample letter that you can use.
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