Comparing UX UI Developers & UI UX Designers: Key Differences

11 Juin Comparing UX UI Developers & UI UX Designers: Key Differences

Generally, UX and UI designers get paid almost the same, so it’s a matter of which role you prefer. As we mentioned, you might see a position for “UI/UX designer,” so you may find yourself doing both at some point. Now, you can not only identify the song, but you can also store that song for future reference.

ui/ux means

While “user-friendly” is a term you probably know well, it wasn’t all that popular at the time. User experience (UX) refers to the user’s journey when interacting with a product or service. People sometimes confuse the two, but UI is actually a specialized subset of UX. According to Figma Designer Advocate Hugo Raymond, engaging UI lays the foundation for a positive overall user experience with a digital product or website. « Effective user interface design brings together usability and interactive design to build an emotive connection between users and products, » he explains. A UX designer’s role in a project depends on the team size and project type.

UX vs UI: What is UI design?

It is responsible for the transference of a product’s development, research, content, and layout into an attractive, guiding, and responsive experience for users. Intuitive interfaces and positive user experiences lead to increased time spent on a site or app, and higher conversion rates. Users are more likely to complete desired actions, such as signing up or making a purchase, when the design guides them seamlessly. ui ux designer Graphic designers and UX designers are both equally skilled at creative thinking. In the same way, UX designers have to create products that solve users’ problems—and sometimes, conventional solutions aren’t always the best or most appropriate ones. A UX designer’s typical tasks vary but often include user research, creating personas, designing wireframes and interactive prototypes, and testing designs.

  • Once UX designers understand users’ needs and behaviors, they can create information architecture (IA) for their product or site.
  • While there is overlap between UX and UI designers, there are various distinct skills, tasks, and responsibilities for each role.
  • In three years, the definitions will have shifted from what they are now.
  • User interfaces are the most tangible aspects of a user’s experience.
  • Build your UX career with a globally recognised, industry-approved qualification.
  • This provides you with both an excellent introduction to user experience and a preview of the courses we have to offer to help you develop your future career.

UI design is the process of transforming wireframes into a polished graphical user interface. This both enhances a product’s usability and creates an emotional connection between the end-user and a product. UI is all about the visual parts of a product, like color schemes, navigational elements, button styles. UX on the other hand, focuses on how a user moves through the product and what guides them. If you’re more interested in design’s visual and creative aspects, then UI design may be for you. You’ll ensure layouts work well, look good on various devices, and create animations and UI prototypes.

Is UX design the same as UI design?

The salary of a UX / UI designer varies depending on experience and location. Entry-level UX designers in the United States can expect $77,108 (includes salary, bonuses, and overtime pay) according to Zip Recruiter. Lastly, since the titles are often confused or used interchangeably, a business may actually be looking for a UX designer, UI designer, or a product designer. These interviews let them understand user motivations and frustrations. Having an understanding of both UI and UX design is important for anyone wanting to work in the field. However, your specialization depends on your skill set and the kind of work you want to do.

ui/ux means

UX and UI design go hand in hand but are also separate disciplines. User interfaces are the most tangible aspects of a user’s experience. Get it right, and people can better navigate an appealing and intuitive product. UX / UI designers also need to show that they are good communicators, team players, are curious, and flexible. They must have an empathetic understanding of the user in order to come up with and execute amazing websites, apps, and physical products.

How to Create a UX Portfolio

Shazam connects to music streaming apps like Apple Music or Spotify and creates a playlist of all the tracks you have ‘Shazamed.’ The UI is simple and clean because that’s what the user requires. However, UI vs. UX designers may employ different skill sets and tend to work at different stages in the process. It’s important to understand the difference between UI and UX, especially if you’re interested in working on them professionally, because they each require different skill sets. In this article, we explore what these terms mean, how they are related and the difference between UI and UX. If you’re interested in learning UX, find out how to become a certified UX designer here.

As a remote professional, you will work primarily with digital tools and must have good communication and presentation skills. Schedule a discovery call with our team today and experience first-hand how DistantJob can elevate your success with exceptional global talent, delivered fast. Incorporating UX research throughout the design process is vital to make informed, unbiased decisions and validate design ideas early on. Despite the differences, UX and UI are not entirely separate entities.

UX vs UI design: The main differences between the two

The UI designer (now fashionably rebranded as a digital product designer in Silicon Valley) also has skills in Interaction design. However, their focus skews towards areas like information design, motion design, and brand. It’s important to distinguish the total user experience from the user interface (UI), even though the UI is obviously an extremely important part of the design. Even if the UI for finding a film is perfect, the UX will be poor for a user who wants information about a small independent release if the underlying database only contains movies from the major studios.

Steve Jobs famously included the experience of going to an Apple store as part of UX. So how you buy a product, how you first see it—this is all important to UX. Now, let’s take a closer look at the typical tasks of a UI designer.


They are there to make products and technology not only useful, but enjoyable and easy to use. To sum up, UI designers are graphic designers whose aim is to create product interfaces that delight users aesthetically while allowing them to easily complete a task. Once we’ve established a user persona, the job of a UX designer and his or her team is to think through every step of a user’s journey with the product. All parts of that journey should be memorable and add value to the user. Understanding the target user and the user journey allows designers to delight customers at every stage.

ui/ux means

Ultimately, what matters most is your ability to demonstrate important UX design skills, mastery of the design process, proficiency in industry tools, and an understanding of core UX design principles. The simplest way to think about user experience design is as a verb and a noun. A UX designer designs (verb)—ideates, plans, changes—the things that affect the user experience (noun)—perceptions and responses to a system or service. As we said before, designers take care of the aesthetic and creative aspects of the interface, while developers focus on making these visual elements function smoothly and coherently. UX designers work on how to improve users’ satisfaction by improving interface usability. UI designers work on language and visual input to translate the brand identity into a sophisticated and smooth webpage.

You’ll enjoy a smoother, more personalized journey without compromising your privacy. As with any career, various factors influence salaries, such as location, experience level, industry, project type, and education, not to mention economic factors. For this reason, you should use Glassdoor and Indeed to know what to expect. You might see the « UX/UI designer » job title and think UX and UI are interchangeable.

ui/ux means

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